N |
Umtoweni, Phumeza, MK operative, victim, mentioned |
39 |
N |
Van der Hooven, HR, Brigadier, Regional Commander of Natal, perpetrator, mentioned |
12, 27 |
N |
Van der Merwe, Jaap, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
21 |
N |
Van der Merwe, Johan, General, former Police Commissioner, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, witness |
8, 11, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 25, 38, 40, 69A, 69B |
N |
Van der Merwe, Susanne, relative, witness |
21 |
N |
Van der Merwe, Willem, Colonel, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, witness |
55 |
N |
Van der Westhuizen, Brigadier, perpetrator, mentioned |
42 |
N |
Van der Westhuizen, Joffel, General, former head of Military Intelligence, mentioned |
1 |
N |
Van Eck, Johannes, victim of liberation movements, witness |
18 |
N |
Van Eck, Mrs, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
18 |
N |
Van Eyck, Johann, perpetrator, amnesty applicant - refused, witness |
11, 18 |
N |
Van Heerden, Brood, Vlakplaas operative, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned |
45 |
N |
Van Lieres und Wilkau, Klaus, former Attorney General of Witwatersrand, witness |
72 |
N |
Van Niekerk, Adriaan, Lieutenant Colonel, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned, witness |
40, 82 |
N |
Van Niekerk, Frank, policeman, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, witness |
49 |
N |
Van Niekerk, Johannes, victim, mentioned |
49 |
N |
Van Rensburg, Nic, General, Security Policeman, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned, witness |
8, 27, 33, 67, 68A, 69B, 80, 82 |
N |
Van Straaten, four brothers, right-wingers, perpetrators, amnesty applicants – witness, refused, mentioned |
19, 32, 56, 71A, 86 |
N |
Van Vuuren, Paul, Warrant Officer, Vlakplaas operative, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned, witness, interview |
1, 23, 24, 37, 38, 51, 57, 81, 85 |
N |
Van Wyk, Cornelius, right-winger, perpetrator, amnesty applicant - rejected, witness |
11, 32, 71A |
N |
Van Wyk, Theo, Afrikaanse Handelsinstituut (Afrikaans Chamber of Commerce), witness |
74 |
N |
Van Wyk, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
32 |
N |
Van Zyl Slabbert, Frederick, Professor, former opposition party leader (PFP), mentioned |
6 |
N |
Van Zyl, Johan (“Sakkie”), Captain, security policeman, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned, witness |
73A, 74, 82, 84 |
N |
Van Zyl, Slang, CCB operative, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned, witness |
2, 3, 47, 64, 85 |
N |
Veenendaal, Leonard, victim, perpetrator, witness |
19 |
N |
Venter, Roelf, Colonel, Vlakplaas operative, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned |
1, 23, 24, 25, 33, 37, 73A, 74 |
N |
Vermeulen, Douw, policeman, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, witness |
49 |
N |
Vermeulen, Koos (Snor), Captain, Vlakplaas operative, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned, witness |
6, 14, 15, 32, 68A |
N |
Verryn, Paul, Reverend, mentioned |
12, 65, 67, 76 |
N |
Verster, Joe, CCB commander, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned, witness |
2, 3, 39, 47, 64 |
N |
Verwoerd, Hendrik, former State President and architect of Apartheid, mentioned |
16, 46, 66 |
N |
Viktor, Johannes, General, founding member of Vlakplaas, Ciskei Police Commissioner, perpetrator, witness |
29 |
N |
Vilakazi, Mazwe, victim, mentioned |
39, 45 |
N |
Viljoen, Constant, General, former Chief of SADF, amnesty applicant, mentioned, witness, interview |
6, 10, 16, 32, 34, 47, 69A, 81, 83, 86 |
N |
Villa Vicenzio, Charles, Professor, TRC Commissioner and Chair of Research Unit, interview |
68B |
N |
Vlok, Adriaan, former Minister of Police, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned, witness |
8, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 40, 54, 68A, 69A, 70A, 82, 86 |
N |
Vorster, BJ, former Minister of Police and former State President, mentioned |
4, 6, 16, 66, 83 |
N |
Walaza, Nomfundo, Heath and Human Rights Project, witness |
53 |
N |
Wallace, Keith, victim, mentioned |
28 |
N |
Wallace, Malcolm, Past President, General Counsel of the Bar, witness |
72 |
N |
Walus, Janusz, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned, witness |
53, 62, 71A, 86 |
N |
Wana, Sabelo, Transkei coup coordinator, interview |
7 |
N |
Wasserman, Lawrie, Warrant Officer, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned |
39, 60 |
N |
Waterwitch, Robert, victim, mentioned |
14 |
N |
Webb, Eddie, Head of the CCB, perpetrator, mentioned |
2 |
N |
Weber, Karl, victim of liberation movements, witness |
1 |
N |
Webster, David, Doctor, victim, mentioned |
2, 21, 64, 80, 85 |
N |
Weil, Les, South African Chamber of Business, witness |
74 |
N |
Welgemoed, Sharon, relative, witness |
12 |
N |
Wessels, Leon, Deputy Minister of Law and Order, witness |
70A, 70B, 85 |
N |
West, Martin, witness |
22 |
N |
Wheeler, Dave, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
52 |
N |
Wheeler, Fran, relative, interview |
52 |
N |
White, Jurgens, right-winger, victim, mentioned. |
11 |
N |
Whitfield, Bernice, relative, interview |
52 |
N |
Whitfield, Derek, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
52 |
N |
Wiernzl, Wayne, SADF military conscript, interview |
59 |
N |
Wildschut, Glenda, TRC Commissioner, interview |
73A |
N |
Wili, Goodboy, victim, mentioned |
21 |
N |
Wili, Noretse, relative, witness |
21 |
N |
Willemse, Douw, Vlakplaas officer, perpetrator, mentioned |
6, 15 |
N |
Williams Paul, victim of liberation movements, witness |
3, 56 |
N |
Williams, Coline, victim, mentioned |
14 |
N |
Williams, Georgina, relative, witness |
49 |
N |
Williams, Moegemat, victim, victim of liberation movements, witness, interview |
50 |
N |
Williams, Teddy, MK member, victim of liberation movements, interview |
7, 51 |
N |
Williamson, Craig, Major, security policeman, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned, interview, witness |
1, 2, 6, 7, 28, 30, 66, 69A, 69B, 70A, 86 |
N |
Wilson, Ilse, relative, witness |
58 |
N |
Wilson, Rory, media executive, witness |
66 |
N |
Woods, Donald, interview |
65, 84 |
N |
Woods, Kevin, CCB operative in Zimbabwe, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned |
13, 64 |
N |
Worsnip, Michael, Father, witness |
6 |
N |
Xhamfu, Aletta, relative, witness |
23 |
N |
Xhamfu, Jackson, relative, witness |
23 |
N |
Xhamfu, Ndoyisile, MK operative, victim, mentioned |
23 |
N |
Xundu, Mcebesi, Reverend, TRC Commissioner, interviewed |
42 |
N |
Yengeni, Tony, former MK Commander, victim, witness, interview |
57, 78, 81 |
N |
Yona, Xolile, perpetrator, interviewed |
22 |
N |
Zantsi, Sonnyboy, victim, mentioned |
3 |
N |
Zeelie, Charles, Major, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned, witness |
40, 82 |
N |
Zomzondi, Phiki, victim, witness |
55 |
N |
Zondi, Edmund, relative, interview |
29 |
N |
Zondo, Andrew, MK operative, perpetrator, mentioned |
2, 16 |
N |
Zulu, Enoch, APLA office bearer, witness |
69A |
N |
Zuma, Jacob, ANC, perpetrator, mentioned |
4 |
N |
Zuma, Robert, IFP member, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, witness |
63 |
N |
Zwane, Cookie, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
65, 76 |