N |
Abels, Anthony, policeman, perpetrator, mentioned |
57 |
N |
Abrahams, Toyer, victim, witness |
49 |
N |
Acheson, Donald, CCB operative, perpetrator, mentioned |
3, 47, 64 |
N |
Ackerman, Dawie, relative, witness, interview |
56, 86 |
N |
Ackerman, Liezl, relative, interview |
56, 57 |
N |
Adams, Melanie, relative, mentioned |
14 |
N |
Adamson, Anton, Vlakplaas officer, perpetrator, mentioned |
6, 15 |
N |
Adonis, Jacques, victim, mentioned |
50 |
N |
Adonis, Sandra, relative, witness |
50 |
N |
Aggett, Neil, victim, mentioned |
2 |
N |
Ally, Russel, TRC Commissioner, interview |
40 |
N |
Alset, Walter, MK operative, victim mentioned |
55 |
N |
Ames, Frances, Doctor, interview |
68B |
N |
Anderson, Cindy, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
15 |
N |
Apleni, Sicelo, victim, witness |
5 |
N |
Arendt, Hannah, author, mentioned |
68A |
N |
Asmal, Kader, interview |
86 |
N |
Assure, Michelle, relative, mentioned |
14, 54 |
N |
Asvat, Abu Baker, Doctor, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
65, 76 |
N |
Awetha, Abdul, IFP member, perpetrator, mentioned |
34 |
N |
Bach, Lazar, member of the SACP, victim of Stalin’s camps, mentioned |
20 |
N |
Badenhorst, Witkop, General, CCB Commander, perpetrator, mentioned |
2, 74 |
N |
Bagkopane, Kebareng, witness |
5 |
N |
Balelly, Michael, victim, mentioned |
49 |
N |
Baloyi, Bakone, relative, witness |
11 |
N |
Banda, Epsom, victim, witness |
5 |
N |
Barnard, Ferdi, CCB operative, perpetrator, mentioned, interview |
2, 3, 47, 64, 80, 85 |
N |
Barnard, Niel, former Chief of the National Intelligence Services, interview |
74 |
N |
Barnes, Les, victim of liberation movements, witness |
4 |
N |
Barney, Aida, victim, mentioned |
53 |
N |
Basson, Shelly, victim, mentioned |
49 |
N |
Basson, Wouter, Doctor, CCB operative, perpetrator, mentioned |
2, 3, 47, 64 |
N |
Bawden, Barry, CCB operative in Zimbabwe, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned, interview |
6, 13, 64 |
N |
Bawden, Des, relative of perpetrator, interview |
13 |
N |
Bawden, Irene, relative of perpetrator, interview |
13 |
N |
Beech, Robert, former SADF soldier, killed, mentioned |
34 |
N |
Beeselaar, Gert, Vlakplaas operative, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned |
73A, 74 |
N |
Behan, Sammy, CCB operative in Zimbabwe, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned |
13 |
N |
Beling, Chappie, victim of liberation movements, witness, interview |
52, 71B |
N |
Beneke, Johannes, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned |
1, 65, 78 |
N |
Bengu, Mahlengi, Chairperson, NYC, interview |
53 |
N |
Bentling, Ronald, witness |
30 |
N |
Benzien, Jeffrey, Captain of police, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, witness |
57, 71A, 78 |
N |
Berry, Joseph, witness, interview |
17 |
N |
Beukes, Aubrey, Reverend, witness |
22 |
N |
Bezuidenhout, Tokkie, Vlakplaas operative, perpetrator, interview |
57 |
N |
Bheqezi, Sakhumzi, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, witness |
40 |
N |
Biehl, Amy, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
16, 56, 71A |
N |
Biehl, Peter, relative, witness |
56 |
N |
Biko, Nkosinathi, relative opposing amnesty, interview |
65, 78 |
N |
Biko, Ntsiki, relative opposing amnesty, interview |
65, 78 |
N |
Biko, Steven, Black Consciousness Leader, victim, mentioned |
1, 9, 13, 16, 21, 53, 65, 69B, 78, 84 |
N |
Bizos, George, lawyer, witness [incomplete] |
82, 83, 85, 86 |
N |
Blaauw, Andile, victim of vigilantes, witness |
17 |
N |
Bloem, Senator, witness |
4 |
N |
Boesak, Allan, Reverend, footage |
14, 30 |
N |
Bokaba, Solly, victim, witness |
47 |
N |
Booysen, Sampson, perpetrator, mentioned |
23 |
N |
Bopape, Francina, relative, interview, witness |
11, 82 |
N |
Bopape, Michael, relative, interview |
11, 82 |
N |
Bopape, Stanza, MK operative, victim, mentioned |
11, 40, 82 |
N |
Boraine, Alex, TRC Commissioner and Deputy-Chair of the TRC, interview |
2, 11, 22, 32, 79, 80 |
N |
Borne, Mike, Captain, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
55 |
N |
Bosch, Steve, Vlakplaas officer, perpetrator, mentioned |
6, 15 |
N |
Bosman, Daniel, former security policeman, witness |
79 |
N |
Bosman, Nzimeni, victim, witness |
6 |
N |
Botes, Pieter, CCB operative, perpetrator, mentioned |
2, 64 |
N |
Botha, Dawn, relative, witness |
15 |
N |
Botha, Hentie, Colonel, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned |
39 |
N |
Botha, Kalla, CCB operative, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned, interview |
2, 3, 47, 64, 85 |
N |
Botha, Koos, former Conservative Party MP, perpetrator, amnesty applicant – granted, mentioned |
32 |
N |
Botha, Paul, SADF military conscript, interview |
59 |
N |
Botha, Piet, right-winger, perpetrator, amnesty applicant - denied, witness |
15, 64, 71A |
N |
Botha, Pik, former Foreign Minister, perpetrator, mentioned, witness |
24, 28, 40, 70A, 74 |
N |
Botha, PW, former Minister of Defence and former State President, mentioned, witness |
6, 16, 20, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 38, 42, 47, 66, 69A, 70A, 74, 79, 82, 83, 85, 86 |
N |
Botha, Selwyn, victim, mentioned |
7 |
N |
Brand, Doctor, complicit in human rights abuses, mentioned |
58 |
N |
Brand, Gerald, former Robben Island chief warden, interview |
63 |
N |
Breytenbach, Jan, Colonel, former Commander of 32 Battalion, refusing to apply for amnesty |
40 |
N |
Brickhill, Jeremy, victim, interviewed |
13, 64 |
N |
Brits, Suiker, Assistant Commissioner of the Police, mentioned |
12 |
N |
Brody, Michelle, victim of liberation movements, witness |
4 |
N |
Brody, Shane, victim of liberation movements, witness |
4 |
N |
Brookes, Jerry, Captain, perpetrator, amnesty applicant |
39 |
N |
Browde, Jules, General Counsel of the Bar, witness |
72 |
N |
Buowa, Kwanele, victim, witness |
17 |
N |
Burger, Staal, CCB regional manager, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned |
2, 3, 47, 64, 85 |
N |
Burton, Mary, TRC Commissioner, HRV Committee, interview |
8, 85 |
N |
Buthelezi, Mangosutho, Chief, Head of IFP, perpetrator, mentioned, witness |
17, 18, 23, 60, 63 |
N |
Cachalia, Azahar, former UDF leader, MCC member, witness |
76, 79 |
N |
Calata, Dorothy, relative, interview |
33, 71A, 82 |
N |
Calata, Fort, victim, mentioned |
1, 33, 71A, 82, 83 |
N |
Callaghan, Shaun, witness |
53, 59 |
N |
Carolissen, Richard, relative, interview |
25 |
N |
Casey, Anthony, victim, mentioned |
49 |
N |
Casselton, Peter, Lieutenant, Security Policeman, perpetrator, interview |
30 |
N |
Cebekhulu, Katiza, victim of liberation movements, witness |
65, 76 |
N |
Cele, Adolphus, victim, witness |
41 |
N |
Cele, Dion, victim, mentioned |
39 |
N |
Cele, Joe, victim, mentioned |
37 |
N |
Cele, Mandla, witness |
12 |
N |
Chabe, Thembi, victim, witness, interview |
35 |
N |
Chabeli, Andrew, victim, witness |
46 |
N |
Chand, Sam (Khan) victim, mentioned |
39 |
N |
Chief Lebone II, witness |
5 |
N |
Chikane, Frank, former Secretary General of the South African Council of Churches, MCC member, victim, interview |
68B, 76 |
N |
Cholo, Rosinah, relative, witness |
11 |
N |
Claasens, Jonathan, victim, mentioned |
49 |
N |
Claasens, Ms, relative, witness |
49 |
N |
Clarence, Neville, victim of liberation movements, witness |
15 |
N |
Clayton, Peter John, Captain, witness |
25 |
N |
Coetzee, Dirk, Captain, Vlakplaas Commander, perpetrator, amnesty applicant - granted, mentioned, interview, witness |
1, 2, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 22, 23, 27, 32, 33, 35, 38, 39, 45, 50, 60, 68B, 69B, 70A, 78, 80, 85, 86 |
N |
Coetzee, Ignatius, General, former security policeman, witness |
79 |
N |
Coetzee, Johan, General, former Police Commissioner, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned, witness |
8, 10, 17, 20, 22, 25, 38, 66, 69A, 69B, 86 |
N |
Coetzer, Joe, Vlakplaas officer, perpetrator, mentioned |
6, 15 |
N |
Colane, Collen, victim of vigilantes, witness, interview |
10 |
N |
Conjwayo, Phillip, CCB operative in Zimbabwe, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned |
6, 13, 64 |
N |
Crafford, Mr, Captain, perpetrator, mentioned |
37 |
N |
Cronin, Jeremy, office bearer SACP, interviewed |
20 |
N |
Cronje, Jack, Brigadier, Commander of Vlakplaas, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned, interview |
23, 24, 25, 31, 37, 38, 85 |
N |
Cronje, Mr, Warrant Officer, perpetrator, mentioned |
64 |