N |
Naidoo, Andres, witness |
58 |
N |
Naidoo, Jay, former COSATU Secretary General, witness |
74 |
N |
Naidoo, Magde, former political prisoner, witness |
58 |
N |
Naidoo, Phylis, victims, interview |
81 |
N |
Naidoo, Prema, former political prisoner, witness |
58 |
N |
Naidoo, Shanti, former political prisoner, witness |
58 |
N |
Nakerdien, Zara, MK operative, victim, interview |
68A |
N |
Nangalembe, Christopher, victim of IFP, mentioned |
14 |
N |
Nangalembe, Mandla, relative, witness |
14 |
N |
Naphthael, Bokwe, victim of liberation movements, perpetrator, mentioned |
23 |
N |
Naude, Beyers, Reverend, MCC member, witness, interview |
76, 81 |
N |
Nchabeleng, Peter, UDF leader, victim |
11 |
N |
Ncube, Bernard, Sister, MCC member, witness |
76 |
N |
Ncube, Gibson, victim, mentioned |
64 |
N |
Ncube, Thomas, ANC office bearer, mentioned |
64 |
N |
Ndaba, Bennet, SDU member, amnesty applicant, witness |
83 |
N |
Ndaba, Charles, MK operative, victim, mentioned |
45 |
N |
Ndlovu, Linah, relative, witness |
50 |
N |
Ndlovu, Lot, Black Management Forum, witness |
74 |
N |
Ndlovu, Phineas, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, witness |
86 |
N |
Ndlovu, Sibusiso, victim of IFP, mentioned |
39, 45, 50 |
N |
Ndlumbini, Patrick, SDU member, perpetrator, amnesty applicant - granted, interview |
49 |
N |
Ndwandwe, Phila (Zandile), MK operative, victim, mentioned |
39, 45, 60, 86 |
N |
Neer, Dennis, victim, witness, mentioned |
5, 7 |
N |
Neethling, Lothar, General, perpetrator, mentioned |
27, 68B |
N |
Nel, Louis, former Deputy Minister of Information, mentioned |
20 |
N |
Netzakalo, Gladys, relative, witness |
23 |
N |
Netzakalo, Siphiwo, victim, interview |
23 |
N |
Ngema, Naye, MK operative, interview |
45, 50 |
N |
Ngewu, Cynthia, relative, witness |
3 |
N |
Ngo, Nelson, Gang member and security policeman, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, witness |
64 |
N |
Ngobe, Phindile, victim of vigilantes, witness |
18 |
N |
Ngobeni, Mr, victim of IFP, mentioned |
34 |
N |
Ngobeni, Zondi, relative, witness |
34 |
N |
Ngoboza, Mxolise, victim, witness, interview |
35 |
N |
Ngqulunga, Brian, perpetrator, victim, mentioned, exhumation |
12, 23, 37, 39, 60, 85 |
N |
Ngqulunga, Catherine, relative, interview |
85 |
N |
Ngubane, Ben, IFP office bearer, witness |
N |
Ngudle, Looksmart, former head of MK, victim, mentioned |
3 |
N |
Ngwadi, Nomusa, witness |
30 |
N |
Ngwena, Skombuzo, victim, mentioned |
34 |
N |
Ngwenya, Lindiswa, victim of vigilantes, witness |
52 |
N |
Ngwenya, Ms, relative, witness |
4 |
N |
Ngwenya, Mzwakhe (Thami Zulu or TZ), former head of MK in Natal, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
4, 16, 51 |
N |
Ngwenya, Philemon, relative, witness |
4, 51 |
N |
Ngwenya, Steve, witness |
49 |
N |
Nhanhla, Joe, MK Intelligence Chief, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned |
47 |
N |
Niemoller, Johan, CCB operative, perpetrator, mentioned |
3, 47 |
N |
Nieuwoudt, Gideon, Lieutenant Colonel, perpetrator, amnesty applicant - refused, mentioned, witness |
1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 22, 27, 33, 65, 67, 68A, 68B, 73A, 74, 78, 84 |
N |
Ninela, Blessing, ANC member, victim, mentioned |
60 |
N |
Njikelana, Sisa, witness |
52 |
N |
Nkgwedi, Petrus, APLA member, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, witness |
41 |
N |
Nkoana, Jack, witness against amnesty |
11 |
N |
Nkobela, Gerald, local IFP representative, mentioned |
13 |
N |
Nkomane, George, victim of AWB, mentioned |
47 |
N |
Nkondo, Paulus, victim of IFP, witness |
34 |
N |
Nkosinathi, Konla, witness |
6 |
N |
Nkumbi, Thomazile, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
23 |
N |
Nkumbi, William, relative, interview |
23 |
N |
Noakula, Charles, SACP General Secretary, interview |
53 |
N |
Nofemela, Easy, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, witness |
56 |
N |
Nofomela, Almond, Vlakplaas operative, perpetrator, amnesty applicant - granted, mentioned, witness |
10, 12, 27, 32, 37, 39, 45, 50, 60 |
N |
Noqanwana, Johnson, Witdoeke leader, mentioned |
52 |
N |
Nortje, Willie, Vlakplaas officer, perpetrator, mentioned |
6, 15, 39, 45 |
N |
Nqcele, Thembinkosi, witness |
6 |
N |
Ntamo, Vusumzi, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, witness |
56 |
N |
Nthimbane, Phimzile, witness |
35 |
N |
Nthuli, Piet, victim, mentioned |
23 |
N |
Ntombela, Bafana, victim of gangs, witness |
35 |
N |
Ntombela, David, IFP leader, mentioned, witness |
13, 24, 29, 31 |
N |
Ntombela, Rodgers, relative, witness |
34 |
N |
Ntozimi, Xolile, victim, witness |
35 |
N |
Ntsebeza, Dumisa, TRC Commissioner and Head of the Investigations Unit, interview |
8, 20, 32, 42, 45, 72, 73B, 80 |
N |
Ntuli, Bheki, ANC leader, relative, interview |
27 |
N |
Ntuli, Ethel, relative, witness |
17 |
N |
Ntuli, Piet, former leader of KwaNdebele, perpetrator, victim, mentioned |
31 |
N |
Ntuli, Sam, victim, mentioned |
34 |
N |
Ntuli, Victor, victim of IFP, mentioned |
17 |
N |
Nxanxa, William, victim of right-wing violence, witness |
21 |
N |
Nxumalo, Johan, local IFP representative, Natal, mentioned |
13 |
N |
Nyanda, Zweli, victim, mentioned |
37 |
N |
Nyati, Olga, relative, witness |
34 |
N |
Nyoka, Allegria, relative, interview, witness |
21, 34 |
N |
Nyoka, Caiphus, victim, mentioned |
34 |
N |
Nyoka, Makosi, victim, mentioned |
18 |
N |
Nyoka, Nelly, relative, witness |
18 |
N |
Nzo, Alfred, ANC office bearer, perpetrator, mentioned |
7, 12, 64 |
N |
Odendal, Adolf, Major, perpetrator, witness, mention |
30, 33, 52 |
N |
Oelsheg, Brigadier of Ciskei Defense Force, witness |
19 |
N |
Olifant, Simon, APLA member, perpetrator, amensty applicant, interview |
63 |
N |
Oliphant, Benjamin, victim, mentioned |
2 |
N |
Oliphant, George, relative, witness |
2 |
N |
Omar, Dullah, ANC Minister of Justice, victim, mentioned, interview, witness |
64, 71B, 72, 85 |
N |
Oosthuizen, Alfred, security policeman, perpetrator, mentioned, witness |
1, 69B, 70A |
N |
Oosthuizen, Mr, perpetrator, mentioned |
11 |
N |
Orr, Wendy, Doctor, TRC Commissioner, interview |
8, 71B |
N |
Otto, Cornelia, relative, witness |
3 |
N |
Otto, Janine, victim, mentioned |
3 |
N |
Palma, Msutu, relative, witness |
30 |
N |
Palma, Priscilla, victim, mentioned |
30 |
N |
Pandy, Yasmina, MK operative, victim, interview |
57 |
N |
Papa, Buyani, victim, mentioned |
30 |
N |
Papa, Florence, relative, witness |
30 |
N |
Parsons, Raymond, South African Chamber of Commerce, witness |
74 |
N |
Pedro, Niclo, MK operative, victim, witness |
71A |
N |
Peni, Ntobeko, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, witness |
56, 85 |
N |
Petrus, Roland, SDU member, perpetrator, witness |
4 |
N |
Phahle, George, victim, mentioned |
28 |
N |
Phahle, Hilda, relative, interview |
28 |
N |
Phakamisa, Maxim, SDU member, perpetrator, amnesty applicant - granted, interview |
49 |
N |
Phelane, Patrick, victim of SDU, mentioned |
62, 64 |
N |
Phelane, Susan, victim of SDU, mentioned |
62, 64 |
N |
Phiri, Simon, relative, witness |
21 |
N |
Phooko, Woyika, victim, witness |
55 |
N |
Phosa, Matthews, ANC office bearer, mentioned, witness |
12, 47, 69B, 73B |
N |
Phungula, Ms, relative, witness |
12 |
N |
Pienaar, Frederick, Warrant Officer, perpetrator, mentioned |
18 |
N |
Pienaar, Kobus, witness |
7 |
N |
Piet, Christopher (Rasta), victim, mentioned |
3, 30 |
N |
Pillay, Joe, victim, mentioned |
27 |
N |
Pityana, Barney, Chair, Human Rights Commission, interview |
65 |
N |
Potgieter, Denzil, TRC Commissioner, interview |
82 |
N |
Powell, Phillip, IFP office bearer, interview |
29, 63 |
N |
Pretorius, Johan, SABC employee, witness |
66 |
N |
Qozo, Martha, relative, witness |
9 |
N |
Quin, Jacqueline, victim, mentioned |
6, 12, 15, 23, 54, 86 |
N |
Quin, Jane, relative, witness |
12 |
N |
Quin, Patricia, relative, witness |
12, 54, 86 |
N |
Quin, Philip, relative, witness, interview |
12, 81 |
N |
Qwelane, John, journalist, witness |
66 |
N |
Raath, Johannes, security policeman, perpetrator, mentioned |
69B |
N |
Rabie, CJ, former Chief Justice, mentioned |
10 |
N |
Rabilal, Chris, victim, mentioned |
81 |
N |
Rabilal, Nandlall, relative, interview |
81 |
N |
Radebe, Ivy, relative, witness |
15 |
N |
Raditapole, Tefo, lawyer for Bopape family, interview |
82 |
N |
Ramaphosa, Cyril, mentioned |
19 |
N |
Ramasimong, George (DiWheety), head of the Three Million Gang, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
4 |
N |
Rammmotla, Sydwell, witness |
11 |
N |
Ramosolu, TH, Warrant Officer, perpetrator, mentioned |
64 |
N |
Rampalile, Jonas, victim, mentioned |
41 |
N |
Ramphele, Mamphela, interview, Vice Chancellor UCT |
65, 81 |
N |
Randera, Faizel, TRC Commissioner, interview |
21, 42, 81 |
N |
Rani, Isaac, witness |
3 |
N |
Ranken, Joyce, victim, witness |
64 |
N |
Rantseng, Ismael, victim, mentioned |
55 |
N |
Ranyaka, Kunyamane, MK operative, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
2 |
N |
Ranyaka, Molekoane, relative, witness |
2 |
N |
Ras, Marthinus, General, Vlakplaas operative, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned |
38, 68A, |
N |
Raubenheimer, Louis, SABC employee witness |
66 |
N |
Rawula, Themba, relative, witness |
17 |
N |
Raycliff, Shafwan, relative, witness |
49 |
N |
Raycliff, Zayna, victim, witness |
49 |
N |
Retief, Bishop, relative, witness |
3 |
N |
Ribeiro, Christopher, relative, witness |
37, 38 |
N |
Ribeiro, Fabian, victim, mentioned |
1, 23, 24, 37, 38, 47, 69B, 72 |
N |
Ribeiro, Florance, victim, mentioned |
1, 23, 24, 37, 38, 47, 69B, 72 |
N |
Rice, Ruth, relative, witness |
58 |
N |
Richardson, Jerry, perpetrator, mentioned, interview, witness |
12, 65, 67, 76, 79 |
N |
Richter, Maurice, SACP member, victim of Stalin’s camps, mentioned |
20 |
N |
Richter, Paul, SACP member, victim of Stalin’s camps, mentioned |
20 |
N |
Roberts, Les, Attorney General of the Eastern Cape, witness |
72 |
N |
Roos, Johannes, relative, witness |
18 |
N |
Rosholt, Mike, Barlow Rand executive, witness |
74 |
N |
Rousseau, Doreen, relative, interview |
52 |
N |
Roux, Thienus, relative, interview |
11 |
N |
Roux, victim of right-wing violence, mentioned |
11 |
N |
Rupert, Johann, Rembrandt Group executive, witness |
74, 86 |