N |
Sabelo, Mr, local IFP leader, perpetrator, mentioned |
17 |
N |
Sachs, Albie, Judge of the Constitutional Court, victim, mentioned, interview |
2, 20, 64 |
N |
Saloojee, Rokaya, relative, witness |
2 |
N |
Saloojee, Suliman, victim, mentioned |
2 |
N |
Sammy, Christian, victim, witness |
55 |
N |
Savage, Beth, victim of liberation movements, witness |
1 |
N |
Schellhase, Ulrich, perpetrator, witness |
52 |
N |
Schermbrucker, Gillian, victim, interview |
57 |
N |
Schoebesburger, Horst, Colonel, Ciskei Defense Force, witness |
19, 29, 85 |
N |
Schoon, Jeannette, victim, mentioned |
2, 6, 28 |
N |
Schoon, Katryn, victim, mentioned |
2, 28 |
N |
Schoon, Marius, relative, witness opposing amnesty |
2, 28 |
N |
Schoon, Willem, former Head of Security Police, mentioned, witness |
25, 69A, 69B, 70A |
N |
Sebe, Charles, opposition figure in the Ciskei, mentioned |
40 |
N |
Sebe, Lennox, former leader of the Ciskei, perpetrator, mentioned |
40 |
N |
Sefolo, Harold, victim, mentioned |
2 |
N |
Sefolo, Lizzie, relative, witness |
2 |
N |
Segage, Lindiwe, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
18 |
N |
Segage, Taliya, relative, witness |
18 |
N |
Seipei, Joyce, relative, witness, mentioned |
12, 65, 67, 76 |
N |
Seipei, Moketsi (Stompie), victim, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
4, 12, 65, 67, 68B, 76, 79 |
N |
Sekete, Vincent, MK operative, victim, mentioned |
73B |
N |
Sekgopa, Justice, perpetrator, amnesty applicant – refused, witness |
18 |
N |
Sekhukhuni, Jan, victim of vigilantes, witness |
31 |
N |
Selebi, Maide, relative, witness |
28 |
N |
Selhwana, Mathews, Warrant Officer, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, witness |
55 |
N |
Sello, Richard, victim, witness |
46 |
N |
September, Dulcie, victim, mentioned |
2, 28 |
N |
Seremane, Chief, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
58 |
N |
Seremane, Joe, relative, witness |
58 |
N |
Seroke, Joyce, Committee Member, Human Rights Violations Committee, interview |
53 |
N |
Serokolo, Kate, victim, witness and interview |
14, 64 |
N |
Serrano, MaryAnn, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
34 |
N |
Serrano, Victor, relative, witness |
34 |
N |
Sethwala, Beatrice, relative, interview |
22 |
N |
Sethwala, Jetta, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
22 |
N |
Sexwale, Tokyo, former Gauteng premier, interview |
6, 53 |
N |
Shandu, Nomusa, relative, witness |
27, 54, 86 |
N |
Shapiro, Jonathan, (Zapiro) cartoonist |
22, 70A |
N |
Shaw, TG, Lieutenant, perpetrator, mentioned |
64 |
N |
Shilowa, Sam, COSATU, witness |
74 |
N |
Shongwe, Paulus, SDU member, amnesty applicant, witness |
83 |
N |
Shweleni, Samuel, victim, mentioned |
17 |
N |
Sibaca, General, witness |
30 |
N |
Sibankulu, Hlolanati (Prof), victim, mentioned |
12 |
N |
Sibankulu, Thabile, relative, witness |
12, 86 |
N |
Sibaya, Bernet, witness |
72, 73B |
N |
Sibeku, Nomathembu, relative, witness |
17 |
N |
Sibisi, Nhlanhla, ANC member, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned |
63 |
N |
Sibulela, Jabulani, Colonel, witness |
38 |
N |
Siebert, Daantjie, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned, witness |
1, 65, 78 |
N |
Siloto, Mncedisi, UDF member, interview |
17 |
N |
Simelane, Matthew, relative, mentioned |
51 |
N |
Simelane, Nothula, MK operative, disappeared, mentioned |
51 |
N |
Simpson, James, witness |
2 |
N |
Sithole, Bongekile, relative, witness |
12 |
N |
Sithole, Mr, policeman, perpetrator, mentioned |
23 |
N |
Sixisini, Joseph, victim of vigilantes, witness |
8 |
N |
Skosana, Maki, necklace victim, mentioned |
7, 25, 34, 38 |
N |
Skosana, Queen, disappeared, mentioned |
2 |
N |
Slippers, Hendrik, AWB member, perpetrator, amnesty applicant - refused, witness |
47, 78, 86 |
N |
Slovo, Joe, former leader of the SACP and former Housing Minister, interview, mentioned |
9, 66, 68B, 73B |
N |
Smiles, Walter, perpetrator, witness |
6 |
N |
Smit, Basie, Lieutenant General, perpetrator, amnesty applicant |
8, 22, 23, 24 |
N |
Smit, Corneo, victim, mentioned |
2 |
N |
Smit, Johan, relative, witness |
2 |
N |
Smith, Desmond, Sanlam executive, witness |
74 |
N |
Smith, Eileen, relative of perpetrator, interview |
13 |
N |
Smith, John, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
63 |
N |
Smith, Michael, CCB operative in Zimbabwe, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned |
6, 13, 64 |
N |
Smith, Renee, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
63 |
N |
Smith, Tim, Reverend, witness |
31 |
N |
Smuts, Adriaan, right-winger, perpetrator, amnesty applicant - granted, witness |
15, 64, 71A |
N |
Snayer, Basil, witness |
3 |
N |
Snyman, Harold, Colonel, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned, witness |
1, 65, 73A, 74, 78, 82 |
N |
Snyman, Lionel, Vlakplaas operative, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned |
68A |
N |
Solani, Nodoli, relative, witness |
17 |
N |
Sono, Caroline [Catherine], relative, witness |
4, 65, 86 |
N |
Sono, Lolo, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
4, 65, 68B, 76, 79 |
N |
Sono, Nicodemus, relative, witness |
4, 65, 76, 79 |
N |
Sonwabo, Mr, ANC member, perpetrator, mentioned |
58 |
N |
Sooka, Yasmin, TRC Commissioner, interview |
51, 85 |
N |
Sotsu, Ernest, relative, witness |
14 |
N |
Stadler, Herman, General, interview |
10 |
N |
Stander, Riaan, military intelligence agent, interview |
7 |
N |
Standford, Bob, victim of liberation movements, witness |
1 |
N |
Stewart, Claire, MK operative, victim, mentioned |
50 |
N |
Stewart, Patrick, relative, witness |
50 |
N |
Stewart, Rachel, relative, witness |
50 |
N |
Steyn, Hendrik, Warrant Officer, perpetrator, amnesty applicant - granted, witness |
17, 27, 55 |
N |
Steyn, JA, Colonel, perpetrator, mentioned |
39 |
N |
Steynberg, Johan, Warrant Officer, former Death Row Warden, witness |
58 |
N |
Stoffberg, Dirk, police agent, perpetrator, mentioned |
2 |
N |
Storey, Peter, Bishop, mentioned, witness |
12, 76 |
N |
Strachan, Harold, victim, witness |
25 |
N |
Stubbs, Julian, victim, interview |
50 |
N |
Style, Chester, SADF military conscript, interview |
59 |
N |
Swanepoel, Colonel (Rooi Rus), perpetrator, mentioned |
69B |
N |
Swanepoel, Freek, NG Kerk leader, interview |
69B, 86 |
N |
Swanepoel, Mr, Warrant Officer, perpetrator, mentioned |
64 |
N |
Swelani, Zola, victim, mentioned |
30 |
N |
Taljaard, Mr, policeman, mentioned |
64 |
N |
Tambo, Oliver, former President of the ANC, mentioned |
7 |
N |
Tanda, Walter Falibango, amnesty applicant, witness |
80 |
N |
Taylor, Andrew, Colonel, Vlakplaas operative, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned |
20, 27, 39, 45, 60 |
N |
Taylor, Eric, security policeman, amnesty applicant, mentioned, witness |
82, 83 |
N |
Tekere, Umkonazi (MK), MK operative, victim, mentioned |
39 |
N |
Terreblanche, Deon, General, Commander of Riot Unit, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, mentioned, footage, interview |
13, 24, 35, 82 |
N |
Terreblanche, Eugene, head of the AWB, perpetrator, mentioned |
10, 19, 41 |
N |
Terreblanche, Sampie, Professor, former SABC board member, witness |
66, 74 |
N |
Thebe, Zero, perpetrator, witness |
10 |
N |
Thele, Kutuzile, victim, mentioned |
54 |
N |
Thirumudu, Tameshnie, law student, witness |
72 |
N |
Thlathla, Matuthi, victim of violence by traditional leaders, witness |
11 |
N |
Thoba, Kwanele, former member Ciskei police, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, witness |
40 |
N |
Thokozile, Catherine, relative, witness |
37 |
N |
Thompson, Wakhile, former member Ciskei police, perpetrator, amnesty applicant, witness |
40 |
N |
Thulo, Mcheba, SDU member, perpetrator |
4 |
N |
Thusini, Ernest, victim, mentioned |
17 |
N |
Thwane, Samuel, former member of the People’s Progressive Party, witness |
10 |
N |
Thyido, Ndithini, perpetrator, amnesty applicant – refused, witness |
55 |
N |
Timol, Ahmed, victim, mentioned |
2, 54 |
N |
Timol, Hawa, relative, witness |
2, 54, 86 |
N |
Tinto, Christmas, witness |
3 |
N |
Tipe, Martha, relative, witness |
9 |
N |
Tiro, Abram, victim, mentioned |
2 |
N |
Tiro, Moloseng, relative, witness |
2, 86 |
N |
Treurnicht, Andries, Doctor, Leader of the Conservative Party, mentioned |
62 |
N |
Tshabalala, Mbuso, MK operative, victim, mentioned |
45 |
N |
Tshabalala, Mrs, relative, witness |
4 |
N |
Tshabalala, Nomsa, relative, witness |
76, 79 |
N |
Tshabalala, Siboniso, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
76 |
N |
Tshabalala, Sibusisu, victim of liberation movements, mentioned |
4, 76, 79 |
N |
Tshemeshe, Naphthael, relative, witness |
23 |
N |
Tshemeshe, Simon, perpetrator, interview |
23 |
N |
Tshikalange, David, Vlakplaas operative, perpetrator, amnesty applicant - granted, mentioned, witness |
10, 12, 27, 32, 50, 60 |
N |
Tsoametsi, JP, Warrant Officer, perpetrator, mentioned |
64 |
N |
Tsotetsi, Peter, relative, interview |
73B |
N |
Tsotetsi, Steven, MK operative, victim of gangs, mentioned |
73B |
N |
Tucker, Benjamin, Doctor, perpetrator, mentioned |
53 |
N |
Turner, Jann, relative, witness |
9, 25 |
N |
Turner, Kim, relative, witness |
25 |
N |
Turner, Rick, Professor, victim, mini-documentary on |
9, 25 |
N |
Turner-Stylianou, Foszia, relative, witness |
25 |
N |
Tutu, Desmond, Chair of the TRC, discussion, interview |
1, 2, 23, 29, 31, 32, 46, 54, 71A, 71B, 78, 85, 86 |